
...beautiful mess...

"Ask any person who has a passion to explore and discover and create, The choice to hide so many wonders from you is an act of love that is a gift inside the process of life."
- William P. Young's The Shack

As an artist this quote strikes a chord with me. Most of all, I love to create. I love the process of art making. I am inspired by all kinds of things... everything from the way two people interact with each other to the shadow on the ceiling that a vase of flowers is creating. The process involved in working out the idea in my head through different mediums like paint, metal, charcoal, clay and other materials is the most exciting thing to me. Very rarely have I ever ended up creating my original idea. The idea is constantly changing in my creative process and is always better in the end.

The time I spend in my own little world creating what my heart is trying so hard to speak is a beautiful picture. I always think about how blessed I am to enjoy the things I enjoy. This quote from The Shack sums it up perfectly. I love to create and to discover new ideas through my process of creating and the very fact that I am able to do that is an act of love and a precious gift from the Lover of my soul. Thank you Jesus! At the end of my creative adventure i am always covered in paint or some other medium and my work area looks like a war zone.

It is a beautiful mess.

Not only is this true of me in art, but this is true in life. When I really think about the sovereignty of God and I also think about how I have no clue what the future holds for me, I am filled with so much curiosity and excitement! Life is an adventure waiting to be explored and discovered. How boring would life be if we always knew the next move? There would be no mystery in that.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
- Romans 8:28

If we really trust in Gods sovereignty and bask in His love for us, we can look at the unknown future as an exciting adventure. We may not understand why part of the adventure seems to be dark and difficult but we must remember the promise that we have been given. He works for the good of those who love Him. Trust in that. Rest in that truth. Celebrate that truth. Thank the Lord for the gift that He has given us out of Love.

be loved and fly

"Living unloved is like clipping a bird's wings and removing its ability to fly."
-William P. Young's The Shack

If you have not already read William P. Young's The Shack, I highly recommend it. It is a much needed breath of fresh air for the christian and non-christian today. I dare you to read it. I dare you to let God use it to change your heart and your thinking.

With that said, let me know how it goes.

Love ----> Trust

"Trust is the fruit of a relationship in which you know you are loved." - William P. Young's The Shack

I love that. That is so true for every relationship.

In relationships between humans i think that everyone will agree that when you can completely trust someone and never have a second thought about the validity or integrity of what that person says or does, that is the most satisfying human relationship because you know that they love you and nothing will change that. And because of that trust you want to love the other even more.

In our relationship with God if we truly believe in our hearts that He does in fact love us unconditionally then the fruit of that belief in His love, is trust. We can fully trust that He has our best interest at heart and He wants the very best for the one He loves.

It is hard to see this relationship between us and God sometimes because we cannot see a physical being representing God. But what i think is so awesome is that in good relationships between humans we see a glimpse of our relationship with God in a tangible form.

Today i was reading in Genesis and the part that always sticks out to me in that book is in chapter 1. God, The Holy Spirit and Jesus are talking and they say, "Let us make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness." He made us to reflect himself or themselves if you will.. how incredible is that? I AM made us in the image of Himself!

I was reading in my book "Completely Loved" by Shannon Ethridge today and it says, "Search the universe, and nothing will say "God" more than the creation known as man and woman." I am just blown away that God created me to be a representation of Himself. As a result of living in this broken world i somehow forget way too often that i bear His signature. Its good to be reminded of it and to live completely loved by Him and to know that i can trust Him with my life.

I am constantly fascinated with how everything in life works out. It is just so mind blowing to me how perfectly and creatively He planned out life between us and Him and us and each other. Our relationship with God is meant to be reflected in our relationships with each other. Think about that.


Doves Eyes

i don't want to talk about you like you're not in the room
i want to look right at you
i want to sing right to you

i believe you are listening
i believe that you move at the sound of my voice

give me doves eyes
give me an undistracted devotion for only you

- Misty Edwards