I read Psalm 34 today and something about v.19 struck a chord within my heart. I was reading this verse through and what stood out to me was seeing the word 'afflictions' and 'righteous' in the same sentence.... I sort of did a double take at those words because I am used to seeing 'afflictions' and 'wicked' in the same phrase but not the other way around.... hmmm....
I have committed my life to loving and serving the Lord but I can't tell you how much I stumble and fall flat on my face. Its enough sometimes to make me wonder if I am really living my life for Christ or do I just think I am?..... because surely a true follower of Christ would not screw up as much as I do... right?? Wrong..... every time my thinking goes that far, I am gently reminded of God's grace... His saving grace.... His strength and power in my weakness... His unrelenting love. Ahhhhhhh.... when those sweet truths are whispered into my ear, i cant even explain the feeling that my heart experiences... its like, like falling in love all over again for the first time.
I don't know about all of you out there but this verse is nothing but a breath of fresh air and a sweet whisper of hope to me!
It is flat out saying to me.... Laurie Anne, you are going to screw up and you are going to run into trouble and hardships, not just every now and then, but many times... BUT here is the clincher.... I, the Lord, will carry you, Laurie Anne, in my arms through all of it... you do not have to question my love for you....................... wow. That right there puts an end to those questions that start running around in my head, when I feel as though I have really done it this time.. I am finished.. the end. The reality is that it is actually the beginning! Woo hoo!
I feel as though chains have just been broken off of my brain. I am free. I am covered in the blood of Christ which has saved me from condemnation. I am no longer bound by the fear that I have to have a perfect track record to be saved or that I am going to run out of grace. I am free.
Praise the Lord! Ahemdulah!
God is good, all of the time!