
in His presence there is fullness of joy.....

this afternoon, i had time to just chill with Jesus with no distractions... just what i needed... i lit a lovely smelling candle, put on some music, wrote in my journal and read some in my bible....

as we were chillin, i came across a verse i have read and heard several times through out my life but it struck a chord deep in my heart today... Psalm 16:11

what struck me so deeply in this verse is the line that says, "in your presence there is fullness of joy".... i started to think about what that really means. to me it means that when we are in the presence of the Holy Spirit we have the fullness of joy... just like the verse says. but then i started thinking about those moments where i am the most joyful ever and it seems like just for a moment i don't live in a broken world... you know, those moments when it is a beautiful spring day and your listening to your favorite song and driving around with the windows down or whatever your joyful moment is:)... and it dawned on me that in those moments that is the Holy Spirit ministering to me.... and that just makes my heart sing... all those times, it's Him with me and Him making His presence known to me.

this is such a simple thought but today it spoke to my heart more than it ever has... i almost feel like i can trust my joy... not just happiness or laughter because you can be happy or laugh about things that are not really good for the soul.... but i mean, that supernatural joy. the joy of the Lord.... i can trust that He is with me and guiding me along that path and i can trust that He is going there with me... the joy is evidence of His presence with me....

i love this.

i love when He reveals these simple yet incredible truths to me.

its good for the heart. :)

1 comment:

  1. mmm His presence is so sweet! I love Him. what a Lover hahah

    psalm 2:4 "He who sits in the heavens shall laugh..."
