death in a mini-van in the K-mart parking lot.......
talented man alert!
i miss my King...
everytime i read anything about Jesus or hear anything that has to do with Him or anything my heart longs for Him... it absolutely aches for Him... i love Him so much
it drives me to tears of joy and peace
i love my King and my Savior
He is my life and my love
He makes me feel like no matter what ever happens in this world i am safe in His loving arms
i am his and he is mine
He has my heart
but i am such an unfaithful lover.. every single part of me absolutely 100 % longs and thirst for Him but i still somehow fill my day with other things other than sitting and being still and reading His words that He has written to me..
it is so weird
but He makes me happier than anyone ever could.. i want to take time every single day and just read His word
so i can just bask in His love and in His word
oh my gosh i love Him
and i love this.. bc i never felt this in my heart when i was younger
i didnt really know Him then
but gosh i know Him now and He is gentle and so good
i miss my King
new york, new york:)
little taste of the old.... :)
Hello pretty sky...
in His presence there is fullness of joy.....
everyday pretty.....
New boots... New phone...
So, i was trying to think of something to blog about so I could test blogging from my phone......
So....... Boots!
I got some new cowboy boots to replace my old ones that have been my faithful companions for about 4 years now.... Not gonna lie, it was hard replacing my old ones.... I've had some great memories in those boots..... But I still wear them from time to time!
But my new ones.... They are so pretty! And slick on the bottom, hence me busting my butt in office max, but that's another story... Haha.
Anyways, here's my boots and a test blog from my phone!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone